News & updates
Our brand refresh story
To mark the evolution of our growth as a charity we recently took the opportunity to refresh our brand.
Empowering Healthcare Workers: CHASE Africa's new grant to tackle teenage pregnancy in Kenya
We are very excited to have been awarded a Global Health Workforce Programme (GHWP) grant by Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET).
Claire Nicholls reflects on the impact of CHASE Africa’s work after visiting our local partners in Kenya
'It was an incredibly valuable visit for me, to be able to see, first-hand, some of the remarkable work of some of CHASE Africa’s local partner organisations.'
Joan’s dedication to improving women’s health
Joan Seleyian was the Community Health Programme Assistant for Big Life Foundation. Joan was committed to improving her local community’s healthcare provision.
Last Mile Delivery of Vital Healthcare
We’re delighted to have been selected once again to take part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023, the UK’s biggest match-funded campaign.